Category: furry dragon females porn
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The night sky was teeming with stars, and the fire burned brightly in the cave as two furry dragon females porn curled together. Firelight flickering off their emerald green scales and the aroma of a warm night filling the air.
The two dragon women had been lovers for many months, but tonight was special. It was a night filled with passion and desire and they couldn’t wait to take advantage of it.
The female on the left took a deep breath and licked her lips as she moved in closer to her partner, then, with a teasing growl, she sunk her claws into the other’s furry tail and tickled it lightly. A deep purr, which echoed off the cave walls, rumbled through the two of them as they laughed together.
The other furry dragon females porn moved in closer then, her claws lightly tracing up and down her partner’s neck as her tongue snaked out of her lips to lick away the sweat that was beginning to form. The taste of her lover was sweet and electric, invigorating her in ways she hadn’t experienced before.
The two dragon females’ mouths moved together in passionate, yet gentle kisses as their tongues twirled and meshed together. Eventually their passion ignited and soon enough the two furry dragon females porn were making love, their bodies intertwined as they explored every intimate part of one another and became lost in the whirlwind of carnal pleasure.
The heat of their fervor built, and soon enough they were both crying out in rapture as their draconic lovemaking reached its peak. Afterwards the two dragons curled up next to one another, purring and taking pleasure in the afterglow of their mutual furry dragon females porn desires. It was nights like these that reminded them just how deeply in love they were.